Our History
The Garrett B. Smith Foundation was established in memory of our 4-year-old son who passed away on January 30, 1995 after a brief struggle with cancer.
The foundation has a two-fold goal. On the lighter side, the foundation attracted the Big Apple Circus Clown Care to Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital over 20 years ago and provides the complete funding for it. It remains our foundation’s single largest annual financial commitment.
In the scientific arena, we support research fellowships at leading hospitals around the country as well as the child life department at Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital where Garrett was treated. Over the past years, the foundation has funded 11 fellowships at 6 different hospitals. The fellowships cover the cost of a young scientist working in an established cancer research setting for two years. By renewing our fellowships at these institutions over the years, we hope that each Garrett fellow can leverage the work of their predecessors. Our long-term goal is to cultivate a network of top physicians that will remain committed to fighting cancer for their entire careers.

Photo Courtesy of HB Smith
Since Inception The Garrett B. Smith Foundation has provided funding for the following projects:
The Big Apple Circus Clown Care program at Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital
The Healthy Humor Red Nose Docs clown program at Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital
The Garrett B. Smith Research Fellowships at leading Hospitals & Research Laboratories nationwide
Addressing needs of the Child Life Department at Yale-New Haven's Childrens Hospital
Website Project for the Vascular Anomalies Center at Boston's Children’s Hospital

A Successful Focus
The Garrett B Smith Foundation formula has been focused on needs of sick children for more than 20 years. Our personal in-hospital experience and lack of crucial medical options was the initial inspiration of the foundation. This has translated into more than $3 million dollars in directed funding.
Complementing the foundation's targeted giving is its low operational expenses, allowing the foundation to "give" more.
Photos Courtesy of Big Apple Circus Clown Care and Yale New Haven's Childrens Hospital.
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